CBSE-NIOS School is a renowned name amongst the students applying for CBSE-NIOS, Our objective is to assist the students who are not in regular touch of studies & are looking for additional guidance when limited information is available. Students can seek any type of information regarding rules of board, filling up of admission forms, eligibility criteria, examination forms submission, assignments submission, regular classes or weekend classes, subject change procedures & other important dates / alerts etc. A timely notification of important dates from our group of expert facilitators always aide students who are working and are engrossed in their livelihood.
Regular classes are held here. Besides this, students who are working & can’t join regular classes can opt for weekend classes too.
NIOS has facilitated & guided thousands of students in shaping their career in the right manner where they would feel proud of their achievements.
Spend your money wisely
Why shell out extra money when the school atmosphere, study material and other facilities are available at one sixth of the cost at our Centre. In an endeavor to modernize the way education is given, Patrachar School has been established keeping in mind the common belief of parents as they prefer to send their children to the schools even if it is out of reach for them & sending their children to tuitions is also an additional expense which is not always fruitful.
Individual attention is given at our in Centre as that is not available in renowned schools. So to help the students and to actually improve their knowledge & overall personality Patrachar School was started. The motive of this school is to:-
Educate all the Masses
It has opened new outlooks of education for fail / dropouts or students who take a backseat in their studies.
Registration is open here for following categories.
• Fail / Dropout Male & Female students
• Students who have identified gap in their studies
• Army/BISF men posted in remote areas
• Anyone who is residing in Delhi